Please use this page as a resource for up-to-date information on our current protocols with respect to COVID-19. In addition, we encourage everyone to monitor the CDC’s website  for the most current updates from the CDC.

Here at Advance ABA Care, we recognize the importance of continuity of care and the profound positive impact that our services have in the lives of our clients. For this reason, we remain committed to providing essential services to those in need, while also taking every possible precaution to ensure the health and safety of our dedicated staff and our clients and their families as we adapt to the rapidly changing conditions and concerns related to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

1. What Advance ABA Care is doing to keep you and your family safe:

Clients who continue receiving services at this time may still wish to limit the number of individuals coming into their home. For this reason, we have been actively pursuing opportunities for tele-health, so that your child’s BCBA can meet with you and continue to provide support remotely.

2. Cleaning Protocols:

We have made sanitation kits available to all staff providing in-home therapy so that they are able to maintain a clean and safe therapy environment in a variety of settings.

3. Health Screenings:

COVID Tests are required of staff before entering a client’s home for the first time. All staff members have received clear instructions to stay home if they are showing any sign of illness. Open lines of communication remain in place so that employees are able to notify supervisors if they may have been in contact with someone who was ill, or if they traveled to an affected area, so that they can be advised to follow established safety protocols.

Contact us for the Advance Care your loved ones truly deserve at (517)245-4777